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The weekly list of gorgeous, gorgeous things

Coach marc
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Coach marc
Flex, dips, and chill
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The Best Books of 2022 (So Far)
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Trends from the 2000s that aged surprisingly well
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Here, clicking on any of the products opens up a product page with all product info and easy check-out.

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Trends from the 2000s that aged surprisingly well

Here you can see the spots in action. When clicking on a spot a product page with all product info opens up (on top of the content), allowing the user to complete the order in one check-out, without leaving the site.
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The decade of the 2000s witnessed a huge shift in the world of fashion. Major fashion capitals like Paris, New York and Milan showed an unprecedented creativity in the design and production of fashionable clothing and accessories. Retro trends were also at their zenith during this time. Many fashionistas also adopted a more relaxed attitude toward dressing up or down. Fashion diaries from this era reveal that celebrities also experimented with vintage looks to stay relevant in the eyes of their fans.

Most retro fads from the 2000s have become fixtures in contemporary fashion. Hairstyles from this era bear a strong resemblance to past styles as well. Loose waves and wispy bangs look great when paired with casual retro looks.

The decade also saw a resurgence in patriotism among many Westerners thanks to the terrorist attacks on New York City in 2001. Many people felt a strong desire to show solidarity with New Yorkers by adopting classic American styles during this time. In addition, numerous movies set in New York during the 1900s retained an air of old-time glamour that appealed to local celebrities and fans alike.

Today's trendy fads show no signs of lagging behind those of previous decades either. Hairstyles from the 2000s bear a strong resemblance to past fashions, while celebreties continue to favor popular old looks from their own age groups. Retro looks have become so popular among fashion enthusiasts that trends now go by decades instead of years. As a result, fans younger than twenty-five still remember some of these popular fads from a decade ago!


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Here, clicking on any of the products opens up a product page with all product info and easy check-out.

Perfect for creating a curated & relevant shopping experience, in articles or in-between articles.

Time off

The Best Books of 2022 (So Far)

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Lincoln Highway
Amor Towles
Rosa Liksom
Allegro Pastell
Leif Randt
Mircea Cartarescu
Ann-Helén Laestadius

Although there are quite literally hundreds of books on my “to-be-read” list, I can’t help but gravitate towards the latest releases that fellow readers are already predicting to be the best books of the year. Whether it's a new work from a favorite author or debuts that have been picked up by celebrity book clubs, readers are already finding their favorites of 2022 so far.

More than halfway through 2022, we can say authors have been very generous to their readers this year. Some of the best new books of this year provided an escape route from reality when the real world was too noisy or too much. Then, there were the stories that deepened our appreciation of everyday life and all its complications by the last page.

With highly acclaimed debuts from fresh new voices to celebrations of literary classics 2022 has so far been a remarkable year for literature and the lineup for rest of the year is unlikely to disappoint either. Here, we've rounded up the most exciting new literary fiction of 2022, reflect on the best literary books of 2021 and recommend some of the best literary fiction of all time.

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A warning: Not all of these books have hit shelves yet, so if you see something you like, pre-order it now as a gift to your future self. When it shows up in your mailbox, you’ll be thanking Past You—and diving between the covers in no time. And check back here throughout the year. Congratulations, dear reader: we’ve made it to another great season in books. Whether you read like the wind this spring or fell short of your goals, summer is peak reading season, meaning that it's a new lease on life, a new you, and a whole new slate of releases to devour. Whether you’re looking to understand our current moment through rigorous nonfiction or escape it through otherworldly plots, 2022’s crop of titles offers something for readers of every persuasion. Our favorite books of the year so far run the gamut of genres, from epic fantasy to literary fiction, and tackle a constellation of subjects. If you want to read about spaceships, talking pigs, or supervillains, you’ve come to the right place.


Coach mark
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Flex, dips, and chill

Try a new after-workout routine. You may want to take up strength training and lifting weights, or try some flexibility workouts like yoga. You might like to try out a sports activity like boxing, tennis, or dance. Challenge yourself to that fitness class or Gloveworx training session you've always wanted to try.

Start working in different planes. If you always do squats, try bilateral movements, like lunges. Try swapping bodyweight movements for weighted movements. If you're a runner try sprinkling strength workouts or another form of cardio into your routine. Change is hard, but change is necessary to keep your entire body strong and healthy.

Keep a bottle of water with you at all times. You don't want to be caught in the moment without any water on hand – especially when you're thirsty! Keep an easy-to-grab water bottle with you throughout your day and make sure that it's filled with plenty of water.

If for some reason you can't shower and forgot extra clothes, Dr. Schultz suggests dampening a towel with water and patting your body, then patting with a dry towel to soak up as much moisture as possible in a pinch. "Bacteria doesn't stand a chance of multiplying if you remove the moisture," he says.

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Using the different templates in the Commerce Manager, curated shopping experiences come in many styles, all ready to be embedded directly in your content, using a simple HTML tag.

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Strike a balance with your food choices. Make sure you fuel your body without taking in too many calories. It’s not necessary to deprive yourself of anything. Avoid skimping on calories or cutting out meals altogether. It’s also important to stay away from eating too much or getting your calories from unhealthy, processed foods.

Drink at least 16 ounces of water or healthy drinks, such as coconut water, green or black tea, and chocolate milk. Or you can choose a low-sugar sports drink. These drinks contain electrolytes, such as potassium and sodium, that can prevent and relieve muscle cramping.

Stretching may not be the most exciting part of working out, but doing flexibility work is super important in a well-rounded fitness routine. Incorporating some stretching exercises into your workout schedule can help you improve flexibility, reduce tightness, and, ultimately, make your workouts—whether we’re talking about strength or cardio routines—more efficient and safe.

Just like with all the other exercises, proper technique is crucial when doing stretches. "Stretching is incredibly important for your body, however, it is not without risk," says Svendsen. Here are a few quick tips on how to do stretching exercises safely and effectively:

Stretching has a myriad of health benefits, such as improved posture and flexibility, increased energy and released tension. While everyone should stretch to protect their mobility and independence, stretching is especially important for those who regularly perform physical activity. We’ve compiled 21 stretches to try this year that can help support your 2022 New Year’s fitness resolutions!

Yours truly / Coach Marc

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New week, new favourites. Using the templates in the Commerce Manager, you’ll see endless variation and opportunities using curated lists together with hero images.

Create a curated list for your shop, and re-use it in your content (or the other way around). Simple as that.

Spotin enables seamless and friction-free shopping experience, with checkout at the point of discovery.

With Spotin, visitors are able to discover products curated by content makers directly in any digital content, and will be able to shop from within that very content. A seamless and friction-free shopping experience, and the shortest path to purchase.

Spotin’s CX, from discovery to checkout without leaving the content, is made possible by a commercial layer that manages all aspects of the transaction between customer and seller: payment integrations, currency conversion, order status, payment split and forwarding, and accounting.

For any type of request: to try our publishing tools, co-lab, integration or other opportunities, send us an email at info@spotin.com and we’ll get back to you.